Dating Rules For Women

Dating sends jitters in everybody’s minds and can make hearts pump some extra ounces of blood. Now, that you want to enter the dating ring and have no weapons, you do not know what to do and how to do? How would you fancy some dating rules at your footstep? We, women, need to be extra-cautious as we may bump into someone unpleasant or even a stalker. For dating eventually builds up a relationship but we might end up with someone we don’t want to be with and then, saying no might become difficult. We wish we could find our perfect man the first time we meet someone but to no avail because more often than not, we barely find that special someone until we have dated enough shares of crazy fools. But what if we could just find some rules to follow to be naughty and play safe as well? Try to follow these rules and save yourself from the embarrassment.
Dating Rules For Women
Dress Up Comb out the tangles and knots from your hair and put on some tint on your lips. Looking beautiful is a major rule. Until you appear attractive, no one is going to notice you. So, get “out of the bed-look” away from your face and dress up.
Don’t Be So Obvious Drop hints that you are available. Pass a smile as and when you pass him. But don’t go everywhere after him. Give concealed signals so that he knows that you are available but he need to run after you to know you. Keep him guessing!
Be Observant Notice how he treats girls, children, and elderly. He needs to be a gentleman as much as needs to be sensitive and caring. If he cares for them then he has a heart of gold and if he succeeds in this test then he is definitely worth your time.
Be Vigilant While dating, make sure you feel safe and secure with him. If you ever feel uncomfortable or something that makes you jump then show him the door, or walk out of it yourself. Be wary of his actions like sudden temperament changes or his touching you that you do not appreciate, tell him then and there politely. If he doesn’t watch his actions then wave him goodbye forever. Also, whenever going anywhere alone with him, let someone know where you are going and by what time will you return. Stay in touch with that person but subtly.
No Exes Or Future Plans Please Do not dare to ask him about his former girlfriends, it will not only upset him but will also bring out your past as well. Never compare yourself with his exes; it will make you look jealous, aggressive, and competitive unreasonably. And don’t even talk about your future plans as well. Why do you want to know what he wants in future, until you are there to talk marriage with him?
Dating Online Post a nice picture of yours on your profile. Write truth but that doesn’t mean give your personal details that can lead to identity theft on internet. Block anyone who bothers you and don’t chase anyone via e-mail. Never lie about your size or description as it can be highly embarrassing when you meet him in real life. Lastly, no matter how you are, feel confident, because yours or his, the looks will pass away after a certain age.
Independence Is High-Quality Meeting someone illuminates your senses, makes you chirpy, and fills you up with happiness. Nonetheless, becoming addicted to your date is totally a no-no. Being yourself and independent will make you stronger and confident. Don’t rely on him to pay your bills or buy you things. Do your own thing!
Don’t Get Physical Too Early Come on girl enjoy romance for once. ‘We got drunk and it happened’ is not an excuse. Leave it for a better time when you can remember the details and blush thinking of them. No matter how much luring it may be but resist the temptation of giving in. It will kill your first time experience as well.
Meet Your Friends Last but not the least; don’t take your dating phase so seriously that you stop meeting your friends. They were there in your life before he entered your lifw. Give some space and time to your friends. Don’t flaunt your boyfriend in front of them or keep blabbering about him in front of your friends. They might get jealous or irritated with you. Prevent that from happening!
If you could follow these rules, you are sure to have a harmless and a beautiful dating life ahead.