Love Notes For Her

You know what a classic is? It is something which, even when ages pass through and the new and savvy replaces the old and crumpled, remains a constant. Revered by many and adored by even more. Love letters, or loves notes, are among a few of the classics that continue to narrate a timeless tale of how the romance used to be in the days that have gone by. It was subtle, simple, and heartfelt-to-the-core. A loving soul waited for the arrival of the reply he sent to his better half who served in a different continent. A teenager confessed his feelings to his interest by hiding a hand written note in her notebook, when in high school. There was a charm of a different kind altogether. Unhurried! Why not, for once, move back into that era (without emails) and romance old-school style. If you can learn to be patient enough, it will be worth the wait. A few love notes have been given below to help you get the idea of it. Have a read!
Love Notes For Her
Note 1 Dear (Name of Your Partner/Would Be),
I knew you were special since the first time we talked on the phone. Words cannot even try to explain how it was when we met for the first time. It was as if I knew you for years when we talked. It felt so natural. And even though it has just been a short while since we’ve known each other I’m assured that the way I feel in such a short time with you, I couldn’t have felt with anyone else. I love the way I am when I am with you. I read this quote today and it's made me think: "The best way to love is to love like you've never been hurt." That fits my situation one-hundred percent. I am so grateful for having you in my life. Baby, thank you for everything! And one last thing before I go; I have wanted to tell you something, but have not been able to bring myself to do so.
I love you!
(Your Name)
Note 2 Dear (Name of Your Partner/Would Be)
I was sent down to earth for a mission, a mission to find someone that will complete me. I never thought that my task would be fulfilled till the very moment I met you. I had finally found the perfection that I had been seeking for all my life. At the very moment, I didn't believe my eyes as the girl that I thought only existed in fairytale now stood facing me. Staring at the moon each night, I saw your gentle smile, the smile that gave me the strength to make the impossible possible.
My affection for you grows each and every day. I am totally addicted to you, and you're the only drug that kept me from dying. When I looked into those eyes of yours, I saw the real me, a person that lives for a goal and a purpose. I pray hard each day, just to hope that you and I can be in a relationship that is more than just friends someday. For now, I've written this letter to declare my love for you and I will be right here waiting for you.
I Love You!
(Your Name)
Note 3 Dear (Name of Your Partner),
I know that the next year or so will be very hard on our relationship. I've been thinking of it a lot these past few weeks. The more I think of it, the more I know I have made the right choice. I once told you that if you really loved someone, then everything would work out just fine, that if our love was strong, we could make it through anything. I have realized that is what true love is all about. Hell or high water, through thick or thin.
I want you to know that while you are gone I will be completely faithful to you. Honey, you will NEVER have to worry about that. You have really captured my heart. It's funny, because I told myself I would never fall in love again. Yet when I was least expecting it I fell the hardest. I have finally found my true soul mate. No matter what trials we may face, I will NEVER give up on our love. I know without a single doubt that God brought us together. No doubt about it, we were just meant to be. I love you! I will forever!
(Your Name)
Idea, we provided you with. Feelings will entirely be yours. The love notes for her above are not a hard and fast rule. Don’t be afraid to write what you want and pour your heart out, for this is love and it’s best to go all out for it.