Fun Things To Do As A Couple

According to Jacqueline Bisset, “Ideally, couples need three lives; one for him, one for her, and one for them together.” Though each individual has a personal life. yet as couples. the time people spend together make the most significant part of their lives. In today’s fast paced life when professional responsibilities tend to overshadow your daily life, all you are left with is a few hours after the day’s work to have some fun with your soul mate. There are plenty of things which you can do within the scarce time to strengthen your bond. However, you don’t have to go overboard to break out form your dull monotonous lives. There are little things that lie very much within your reach, you often overlook or forget to do. Remember, it is extremely crucial that both of you spend some quality time with each other for a harmonious existence. Though highly underestimated, these little trifles can offer you a refreshing and delightful time together with your partner. Wonder what are these little things which will offer a respite from your boring existence? Scroll down to learn.
Fun Things For Couples
- What else can be a better way to spend your evening with your partner than cozy up in a couch and watch your favorite movie together? If you are feeling exhausted after a day’s work, a movie can be extremely rejuvenating, especially if it’s a comedy flick. Rent a DVD or watch a movie online while enjoying popcorns and soft drinks.
- Gaming is also a wonderful fun idea for the couples. If there is a casino in your neighborhood, there is nothing like it. Just go out and spend some fun time playing your favorite games.
- Jet off to some local spa and spend some quality time away relaxing and enjoying a soothing body massage. A couple’s spa is perhaps one of the most popular couple retreats, where couples get that pesky feel after a tiresome day at office out from their bones.
- If both of you possess curious minds, then perhaps checking out a local museum and an art gallery won’t be a bad idea at all. Apart from gaining some much-valuable knowledge, you can discuss and share your experiences with others as well.
- To spend some quality time together with your common friends or family members you can pay a visit to them. As Oscar Wilde once said, “In married life three is company and two is none.” Thus for married couple, often hanging out with others also becomes a great way to spend some quality time together. Make sure that both of you are comfortable with the friends or the family members you are planning to visit.
- Take a class together. An art class, a yoga class or a dance class can bring the two of you closer together even as you meet others and learn something new.
- Try something new. Do something that you have never done before. New experiences erode even the most tiring and annoying experience, which you might have encountered at your workplace. If so far you never had the opportunity to be at a poetry slam, or at the local ballet or at a musical night, then arrange some tickets and go.
- George Bernard Shaw once said, “There is no sincerer love than the love of food.” Cooking an exotic dish together can certainly be a delightful experience. Take culinary preferences of both of you into account and get yourself indulged in spree of cooking and eating for the night and get a respite from all your mundane troubles.
- Has it been very long since you last visited the most prominent tourist attractions in your city? Then now is the time. Plan a trip to some of your favorite destinations in and around your city which you had almost forgotten, existed. It will certainly be a wonderful experience for both of you.
- You may also opt to join a hobby class something both of you share the passion for and always wished to learn but couldn’t find the time. It will be an exhilarating experience. It will also enable you to spend some quality time with each other and that too creatively.
- If both of you are avid readers, then reading a book together can be great fun. You can read aloud by turns.
Some of these activities may seem silly yet can be real fun to do as couple. Go through the above mentioned tips, try the ideas and spend some quality time together.
Yes, that is normal. When you start eneirpencixg real life and have a long, hard day at work or the puppy/baby/neighbors have kept you up all night for a week straight, you’re less likely to have sex. But then there are still times where you’ll have it all week. It varies with everyone.But there is a saying that goes something like, Sometimes to want to kiss, you have to kiss. Sometimes to want to make love, you have to make love. In other words, you can initiate sex even when you or your spouse don’t feel like it and you’ll end up enjoying it.We have sex 5-6 times a week one week then once or not at all the next. Sometimes I think it’s that going at it all week that tires us of sex for the next week; and that slow time makes us really want it again and so the 5-6 times a week start up all over again.