How To End A Date Elegantly

‘As a gentle cold breeze blew, the whole world was as though static and the whole world was staring. Yes, it was getting awkward!’ Well, is this what your ‘towards the end’ dating experience has to say? You don’t have to ask for a magic wand to skip the end part of your date, rather keep it simple. When the day has gifted you precious moments together, why scribble down the last part as boring or startling. With certain things in mind, you can have a successful dating future and can elude all the brow wiping and awkward smiles which come along. Making a graceful exit, whatever be the answer — positive or negative, makes a lot of difference. You either end up asking her out again or you agree to go in different directions without hurting each other and meet someone new. It’s not that you get married to the person you date, but the way you end a date surely grabs a page for either of your memories. Read further for the right way to end a date.
Elegant Ways To End A Date
Decide The Schedule In Advance If you are out with your first date, it would normally be short. Hence, it is important to inform your date of the plan and fix a particular time to end the day. This helps you to have the same expectations as to how and when the date comes to a close. Be it for an afternoon coffee, a lunch or one drink or two at the bar, the way you end the date leaves a lasting impression on the person you are dating. It is also important to leave the person with the message whether or not you wish to see him/her again. Politely thank the person, offer a hug, a shake hand — these are the safe ways to end a date gracefully.
Be Honest To Your Date Be honest—what else could be the best signing off gesture! Let your date know how you feel at the end of the day. In case your date has characters that are unlike yours, don’t end up saying ‘I’ll call you’ or ‘I had a wonderful time with you’. At the same time, don’t create uncertainty in the environment leaving someone emotionally confused. Unless you find your date compatible and a potential partner, don’t give your date false promises. Be honest to him/her that will make the beautiful day remain one forever.
Arrange Your Own Transportation Services Having a means of transportation arranged for the day would make both of you comfortable to keep the day more relaxed and to enjoy it wholly. With this, you won’t have any dependencies in case you are hanging out late and you can prioritize where you want to go. At the end of the day, you can have a calm and relaxed drive back to drop her at her place and talk to each other on the way.
Keep It Casual Now, this is something which will help you out from an extremely awkward dating experience. In order to mark this day special and unique, you need to keep things casual and comfortable throughout. Display the kind of person you are and be true to yourself. This way, you would provide an ideal and sincere environment wherein the decision making process will become easier. When you want to make your dating future successful, being casual is the right key.
Pay Attention To The Body Language You don’t have to go to a fortuneteller to know if you will hang out with your date again. They say it in their body language. It is important to keep a track of your date’s body language as there are hidden cues whether it’s yes or no. By the end of the date, if he/she steps forward to give you a good bye kiss or a hug, take it as a positive sign and the moment is right to say whether you enjoyed it not. For instance, if you feel you are ready and comfortable with this date and wish to go for the next, reply with a hug and say that you had a great time. In case, if you are not interested, when your date comes to kiss you, step back and your date will understand.
Wait For The Answer When the clock ticks the start of the day, you need not rush for the answer right away. Give it sometime and wait until you reach the end of your meal. Try asking them politely and ensure not to give a horrible end to a perfect day. Like, for instance, ask them, ‘would you like to join me for a cup of coffee at this café across the 5th street next weekend?’ Well, there you go! A simple way to get your response! If your date is not interested, he/she will escape saying something like busy with work or have to attend some function. On the other hand, you will see the shine in your date’s eyes, as they say ‘Yes, why not!’
The most memorable part of a successful, sweet and effortless date is to end it the right way. Happy dating!