Cute Things To Say To A Girl

It has a way about it that only a few adjectives possess. It conveys the unsaid in the most pleasing manner possible: you say it; it penetrates the listener’s heart, warms the insides and mission accomplished. Hurray! We have a winner among us ladies and gentlemen and it’s cute. No, literally, it is! Cuteness has the power to enchant one and all, especially the lady-kind. And if said with just the right tone and style: making googly eyes and using the baby voice to the best of advantage, is force to reckon with. Girls are sure to be blown over with it. So, if you are looking to put a spell on a girl you like, whether or not you are on talking terms, then all you have to do is to mouth off cute sentences in gestures. She won’t be able to help but be captivated by them. Continue reading to know about how to implement the theory into practice.
Cute Things To Say To A Girl
- Make a cute excuse to hold her. Here’s how. Hold her hand out of the blue and say to her ‘You are looking so pretty today, I’m afraid dacoits might loot you away. Here they come… Run! Run! Don’t let go off my hand I’ll save you!’ It’s as goofy as it’s cute and she’ll know the reason for it.
- Leave her a voice message on her cell phone or answering machine so that she hears your voice first at the break of dawn, or whenever she wakes up. You could say something like ‘Hello miss (name of the girl), this is just to wish you a very good morning. Rise & shine little miss sunshine. Hope you have a wonderful day!
- Then when she calls up in the morning after receiving your message, say to her ‘I sent an angel to look over you at night. The angel came back a minute later and I asked it why. It told me angels don't watch over other angels.’ Bet the day will be ever cuter for her and she’d appreciate every bit of it.
- ‘I miss you when I'm not with you. When I'm not with you all I do is think about you. When I think about you I just want to be with you. And when I'm with you, it's like all of my dreams have come true.’ Apart from being sugary cute, it’s also romantic as anything and is most likely to send a lump down her throat, or make her cheeks blushing pink.
- ‘You make caterpillars turn into butterflies and then they fly around my tummy.’ It’s the cutest way to let a girl know that when thinking about her, your stomach starts to churn and your heart skips a beat. It’s also an indirect way of telling her that you like her and get nervous on seeing her or thinking about her.
- Look into her eyes while saying ‘Within you I lose myself, without you I find myself wanting to be lost again.’ Once again, it’s also more on the romantic side than cute but it works. Which girl wouldn’t love that fact that a guy is bordering on the edges of losing himself in her and waiting to go through the feeling all over again just because he finds it mesmerizing.
- Show her a fake X-ray report and on it, write her name where your heart is and then say to her - ‘Had an x-ray today, guess what they found? You; safely tucked away in my heart. And they said my heart is fine with a girl like you in it.’ Isn’t it marshy-mellowy type cute or what?
- Get hold of a rose and take it to the girl you like. Don’t give it to her yet; make a scene out of it. Hold the rose close to her and then say, to the rose – ‘You know you should meet this girl; she'd show you exactly how to be beautiful’ and then hand it out to her. Her smile should say it all.
Don’t wait for the opportune moment, but create it. It should be a cakewalk if you follow the lead above and bring on the charm. All the very best!