Dating A Leo

If you believe in stars it is sure that you will end up believing in the sun signs too. Meaning, there are twelve sun signs and it is believed that people with different zodiacs behave differently and people with same zodiacs behave in somewhat similar manner. These differences and similarities play a vital role when the person you are dealing with is your love interest. Because the sun signs tell a lot about the behavioural pattern of a person, hence, giving you a blueprint of that person’s psyche. Now let’s speak about the person you are about to court and you have come to know that he, or she, is a Leo. Lion as the symbol, these people live to their sun sign. They are proud, at times stubborn and also have a soft mushy side that you can knock to but you will be welcomed only if you are an acquaintance, for Leos seldom trust the strangers. The following section will throw light on how to go about dating Leos.
Dating A Leo Man
Similar To The Element Like the presiding element of the sun sign, that is fire, the guy of this sun sign will be intense and fiery, but gracious. Leo is considered to one of the most romantic sun signs, but, he will expect you to be at par with him. Leos believe that whatever is given should be returned to them with same intensity. And when in a relationship, Leo men like to take the lead themselves and never like to be tamed or ordered. So, avoid being dominant or too active in your relationship.
Look On The Inside A Leo man will always look calm and composed on the exterior, even when he will be turbulent from the inside. So try reading in between the lines and find out what exactly is bothering him as though Leo men are outspoken, they seldom discuss their emotions. But, be aware when you are crossing the line, as too much inquiring can also lead him thinking of you as a nosey one.
Age Factor A cub acts different from a lion and that is also the case with the Leos. A young Leo may act in a flashy, vain and arrogant manner, while an older Leo will display unparalleled composure and generosity. So, your relationship will mature with the age of the Leo male. Give your partner the time and he will be able to understand things accordingly.
Independence Leos need their partners to be strong and capable of taking care of them and this works for both men and women. Though, Leo men are never submissive, they sublimely like to share control with their partners. So, while dating a Leo partner you should give proper independence to him and should also insure in him a little trust; the trust will surely be reciprocated. They too are kind and independent enough to give you your space.
Dating A Leo Woman
The Royalty Leo women are the royalties of the zodiacs and thus should be treated accordingly. The Leo women command respect and when they don’t get it, they roar back. It doesn’t mean that they are mean; they very well know how to return the respect they receive. So, while courting a Leo, give proper respect to the lady and consider your work half done.
Dramatic Leo women like drama and hence, they try to be the centre of attention and keeping this in mind, try planning suitable outings with her. Try catering the cravings by taking your woman to a karaoke bar or a street fair or a reality show set, so that she has an option to attract attention.
Glamour If Leo men are lions than Leo women are cats by nature, meaning they like glamour and shimmer, so try meeting out more often at places like opera houses and take her out on parties. If possible, arrange the meetings at bars or restaurants which are themed and display class. Your efforts will surely be rewarded in proper manner.
Curious Cats Leo women are suckers for surprises. They are the one who react the most when someone surprises them and a few random high moments in a day make their day worthwhile. Leo women appreciate efforts, so in case you are not able to surprise your partner you will know that your effort didn’t go in vain. So, do your best in going out of your way to surprise her with occasional rose petals on the bed or a card on the doorway.
Every individual has different attitude and personality and no one can tell you a foolproof plan to attract that person. So don’t merely be dependent only on the sun sign and try to treat the person according to your experience too. All the very best!