How To Date A Scorpio

You’ve been seeing a person for quite some time now. And you desire to take this hide-n-seek eye gazing game to the next level. Moreover, you’ve learnt that the person is a Scorpio. Well, if it’s a Scorpio guy that you want to date, then you sure would have a relationship filled with intensity and passion. On the other hand, Scorpio women can bewitch you with their magnetic eyes, powerful intellect, and charming personality. Be it a girl or a guy, dating a Scorpio is bound to give you a wild ride, ensuring that you wouldn’t be bored for a second. You can expect drama, determination, passion, and fierce honesty from their end. Nevertheless, any wrong step can ruin the entire bond. So, with Scorpio, your relationship can either be progressed to the best or drained to the worst. So, to reap the best and sweetest fruits of your love harvest, you need to study the characteristics of a Scorpio and make a smart move. For when they are committed, they make fantastic companions and transform the relationship into a thrilling, exciting, reflective yet madcap experience. To discover and disclose the love and romance in your Scorpio partner, a series of dating can be really helpful. To start off with, given here are some tips on dating a Scorpio man and woman.
Tips On Dating A Scorpio
Dating A Scorpio Woman
- Scorpio women love mystery and intrigue. Hence, be yourself but beware of playing games with them. Never ever try to turn them jealous with your acting. Being traditional, there lies a possibility that them may dislike it and even won’t take it lightly.
- A Scorpio is one person who looks for extreme loyalty and devotion. If you are found lacking on this count, even if it is on a minuscule level, she is likely to back herself off from the lovely atmosphere you both created.
- Scorpios can be considered highly established wherein king-size competition can be expected. However, she is the lady you can still feel secure even if she is surrounded by other men as she is not easily swayed.
- Scorpio girls stand firm and no seduction can carry them away if they do not like the package offered. A piece of advice for all you guys—take a heavy sigh of relief that you always wanted in a secure relationship. You can read her out through her gestures. Say, for instance, if she likes you, she’ll try her best to grab your attention by asking even silly questions. When she talks about moving to the next level, it is a sure-shot sign of blending into a safe relationship.
- For Scorpio women, commitment in a relationship means “commitment forever”. However, there are times when they tend to avoid the company of others. You may even feel neglected, but do let them spend the time alone. For once the loneliness is defeated, they’ll make every minute of yours thrilling and exciting. A Scorpio girl yearns to spend every moment of her life with you. Play safe with her emotions as they are those sun signs who take their emotions very seriously.
- Scorpio ladies have the power to bewitch man through their beautiful captivating eyes. With their eyes, they also can understand and completely read your emotions lest you are even slightly winced.
- Women falling under this sun sign are those who keep their affection subtly hidden and express only through words and actions. All you guys, never expect her running into your arms out of your enchanting charm.
- Challenging people that can overpower her in her intellect are the ones she loves to keep company with. However, be prepared to be stung if you attempt to trespass into her privacy.
- Want to stay free from being stung, never do anything that would make her suspicious. However, for an exciting experience, play with her true colors as she has plenty of passion and adventure inbuilt to keep you on the rolls.
Dating A Scorpio Man
- Hurting a Scorpio male’s ego is one of the highly risky tasks. As such, do not ever make an attempt to do that, as some take excessive time to fully recover from such emotional bruise or even a slight scratch given by women. If you want to earn their true love, all you have to do is praise or admire them, putting them on a pedestal and becoming sensitive to their needs. With this, you can take the pride of being the luckiest person to be under the protective arms of your partner.
- Ladies, if you ever happen to be in a dating scenario with your Scorpio guy, you must be careful of one thing that he loves secrecy and intrigue. Avoid playing games with him as this wouldn’t impress him, rather induce feelings of jealousy. With a traditional element found in his personality, he won’t take such a behavior lightly.
- Scorpio guys expect extreme loyalty and devotion. Per se, if your partner finds any elements of suspicion or doubt, he’ll rather back out from the situation than sorting out matters.
- Sensitivity and emotions are two important ingredients of Scorpio men that lie hidden. Therefore, ensure that you do not portray a too sentimental behavior as gushy romance falls under his apprehension. On the contrary, you have to be sensitive with an element of not being too critical such that it does not hurt the bond you both share.
- Your Scorpion man would always want to have the upper hand. It is advisable on your part to keep it secret whatever you notice about him. No matter how well you understand his each and every gesture, do not let him know that you have an expertise to read his secret agenda!
- You must be aware and careful about the downfalls of dating a Scorpio men, particularly if you are independent and controlling at most times. They are those guys who do not easily compromise, which, at times, you’ll have to. Leading from the front is the quality inhibited in their genes. So, relax and let him do as he pleases and feels right.
With an uncanny tendency of understanding people, Scorpions are able to read your personality and behavior. Nevertheless, dating a Scorpio can infuse the right amount of love, romance and intimacy as they are highly passionate and make great partners. Good luck for an exciting dating session and a lovable companion!