Posts by: Romi

how to ignore someone you love

How To Ignore Someone You Love

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Your lover took you for granted, demeaned your self-esteem and cared a damn about how you felt—and you thought it was fine all this while. Wake up, and instil in yourself a splodge of self-worth, for no person in the world has the right to hurt you. If you can’t...

why is love important

Why Is Love Important

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“If you have it, you don’t need to have anything else, and if you don’t have it, it doesn’t much matter what else you have.” Love is the foremost feeling that rules the world. It takes various forms and serves various purposes. Love is one of the most magnanimous emotions...

how to get a shy guy to ask you out

How To Get A Shy Guy To Ask You Out

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So, you think you’ve met the kind of guy you’ve longed to be with, but nothing seems to work out between the two of you. Not that you guys have any differences between yourself, it is just the fact that he is too shy to ask you out for a...

how to make a guy miss you

How To Make A Guy Miss You

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If you are a constantly nagging wife/ girlfriend and are looking for an answer to the above listed question, please spare yourself the delight! For, why in the world would your man miss you if are constantly behind him as his own shadow? Instead, a little absence of yours would...

how to make your husband fall in love with you again

How To Make Your Husband Fall In Love With You Again

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Once a hot chocolate fudge, your marriage is now like a vanilla ice-cream, nice and steady but boring at the end of the day. It has lost its flavor, taste and exuberance. Sorry for being metaphysical, but that seemed to be a refined way of comparing the once blooming marriage...

how do you know if a man love you

How Do You Know If A Man Loves You

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Yes, there are signs. Signs which reveal the hidden feelings of a man that are closely guarded and covered under sheets of normalcy. Men are introvert when it comes to expressing their feelings and emotions. And when it is about love, they take forever to say out loud the ‘L’...

how do you know you love someone

How Do You Know You Love Someone

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Gone are the days when heart palpitations, loss of appetite and sleeplessness meant love. Today, they mean an alarming health complication which needs to be adhered to almost immediately. Now, you may ask, how do you know if you love someone? Well, there is no accurate answer to the question....

different types of love

Different Types of Love

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Most of the times, love is mistaken to be linked romantically only. And when this happens, people often fail to comprehend that love has a myriad of hues than just that. There are different types of love that people experience in life and each time they experience a particular type...

how to dress up for a date

How To Dress Up For A Date

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Aiming to be the style specialist for your upcoming date? Well, then you need to up your sleeves and get the balls rolling, for being a trendsetter isn’t an easy ballgame. In fact, it calls for selecting your look with prudence and caution, lest you rub your partner on the...

how to forget a guy

How To Forget A Guy

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First things first, there aren’t any Grandma’s secrets that would help you forget a guy with a concoction and an herb mix. You have to do it yourself. And it all begins with coming out of the denial stage and accepting the situation. If your guy has dumped you for...

how to express love to a girl

How To Express Love To A Girl

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Firstly, know that expressing love isn’t any rocket science. You may be baffled by the idea and have sleepless nights as to how to woo your girl, but know that showing your girl that you love her is as simple as loving her. And when you did not think twice...