How To Make Your Husband Fall In Love With You Again

Once a hot chocolate fudge, your marriage is now like a vanilla ice-cream, nice and steady but boring at the end of the day. It has lost its flavor, taste and exuberance. Sorry for being metaphysical, but that seemed to be a refined way of comparing the once blooming marriage to a now, boring one. But hey, don’t lose hope for love is still there, just carefully wrapped inside and overshadowed by crazy schedules, daily meetings, and monthly targets. If you have been just complaining about the loveless attitude of your husband, then understand you’ll go no where with this grumbling. If you want the excitement, passion and romance back in your life, you have to make your husband fall in love with you again rather than wait for him to do so. The mission is to get the butterflies fluttering in his stomach yet again and making him get weak in the knees and all lovey-dovey and misty-eyed like he was when the two of you were honeymooning. With these tips and ideas, turn the clock anticlockwise and bring out the love phase of your life.
How To Make Your Husband Fall In Love With You Again
Get the Eyes on You! You think he is no longer interested in you the way he was when the two of you were ‘just married’. Before you give a big nod which says yes, think, are you now, the way you were, when love was blooming between the two of you? Look at yourself, that uncared look, unkempt hair, no make-up and those worn out clothes. In a rush to meet up with the demands of life and family, you gave yourself little or no attention. Result – your once-loving husband has now lost interest in you. To get that spark back in the life, jazz up your wardrobe with some sexy clothes. Surprise your husband with a nice gooey translucent nightwear at night or a sexy one-piece for a dinner. Love will definitely bloom back like the old-times and marital blissfullness shall be experienced! Amen!
Dating Wonders! When was it that the two of you last went for a nice, romantic date? And just the two of you, not accompanied by friends, children, extended families, colleagues and so on. If it is taking more than a second to recall the day, forget about it. Agreed, the spark of love was at its peak when the two of you were dating, but have you ever wondered why? It is generally because the effort was there to impress the other, to show the feelings of love to the other and to make the other fall in love. Unarguably, dating or courtship period is the best time of the relationship. To rekindle the lost flame of love, set up dates with your husband. Go back to those old joints where you first kissed, held each other’s hands, proposed and so on. In short, all we mean to say is go to each of those places where you dated. The time spent with you amidst a romantic setting is sure to ignite in your hubby the love that he so profoundly feels but does not articulate.
Holding Hands! How did it feel when the two of you held hands in public and roamed around freely when you were newly married? Pleasurable and gratifying isn’t it? So, why do you now feel awkward and cheesy about it? Though this may seem quite a trivial tip, it is definitely the most handy one. Let off your garb of awkwardness and go ahead and hold his hands. Even if it seems to be a simple gesture, it goes a long way in bringing back the intimacy and building up the bond of closeness in a relationship. Holding hands brings forth a sense of romance, passion and security. So, the next time the two of you are together in a mall, parking lot or a garden, just hold his hand. This simple gesture would reaffirm your love to him and make him fall back for you all over again!
It’s Romance Time Again! In the humdrum of affairs, to get better and better off and stock up the house with every kind of material benefit that the world has in display, the personal life goes for a toss. Result - some uncared for relationships and an unhappy family and spouse. If your situation seems to be a mirror effect of what has been aforementioned, all that your husband needs is some spare moments and a vacation to restore his nerves and love. Book for the two of you a second honeymoon and fly off to a quaint hill-station or an exotic island! The stress-free days would give him a chance to relax and reignite the love and affection that he intently feels for you. And who knows, he might even sing for you the Rod Stewart song, “Have I Told You Lately”
Cheesy Lines! When was it that you last wrote him a love letter? Some decades back! Never mind! In the age to get tech-friendly and in sync with the latest gadgets and gizmos, the thrill of holding a pen has been restricted to signing check books and credit card statements. This Valentine’s Day or his birthday (whichever is the closest), pen him a personalized love letter, writing about everything that you feel for him. Inspirations from the internet are a taboo. You can write to him the things that you like about him, things that made you fall in love with him, days you enjoyed the most and so on. Whatever it is, keep it short, emotional and customized. Once you are done, roll the love letter like a graduation day certificate and tie it with a ribbon or roll it and insert it in a bottle. He is sure to be overwhelmed by the gift and shower his hidden love on you.
Missing You Sweetheart! To make your husband fall in love with you again, it is very important to get out of sight for sometime. If you have been around for 24X7, it is understandable that your husband has taken you for granted. Getting out of sight for sometime can make him realise your potential and worth and make him long for you. You can either go off to your parents’ place or to your relative’s place or even for a weekend getaway with friends. Your absence would make him realise what you mean to him and who knows, when you come back, there might be a surprise waiting for you — with him standing with a bouquet of fresh roses, a voucher of a restaurant for a candle-lit dinner and a gift of your liking!